Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Days 178 - 186 - AKA....WEIGH IN DAY!!!!

70 Pounds Gone!
 It has been a little over 6 months since I started my crossfit/paleo lifestyle and I cannot believe that I have list 70 pounds!  That is INSANE!!   I only have 30 pounds left to reach my goal of 100 pounds in a year....I know I have worked hard but, seriously, thanks to Geaux Crossfit, it has been easy!  I have never felt so focused and determined.  And, like a cherry on top of a paleo ice cream sundae (I guess a meat sundae??), yesterday's workout has left me feeling so strong.

I got to Geaux Crossfit early and ran a lonely 2 miles since my M-W-F running buddy Candace is on vacation.  Then we did a WOD called CrossFit Total that is all about lifting weights. - the workout consists of getting 1 max rep for three different weight lifts.  It started with the dreaded back squat.  Until yesterday, I have really only been focusing on conquering the squat.  Amber convinced me to try it out with weight and I started with 35 pounds...it wasn't too bad so I kept on going up and up. and up. and up.  I finally stopped at 105!  I cannot believe it!  Once again, I had one of those "maybe I really can conquer the world" moments. 

Then I moved on to the shoulder press.  My max in the past was 55 so my goal was to beat that...and I did.  With 90 pounds!!

I saved the best for last.  The deadlift always makes me feel strong.  My heaviest deadlift to date was 125 pounds about a month ago.  I was hoping to beat it but I never thought that I would be able to lift 210 pounds!  Seriously!  Everyone else was already done because I added 5 or 10 pound increments over and over....since I had NO idea I would be able to lift so much.  I felt like I was in a documentary that was created to demonstrate what CrossFit is all about when I lifted 210.  Amber, as always, was there routing me on.  But so was everyone else from the morning crew. They could have been back at their houses by the time I was done.  But they weren't.  They waited until I was done.  They were surrounding me...cheering me on.  They were part of my moment.

Once again I am left feeling so thankful.  Sometimes I feel like a crazy religious person feeling the urge to spread the good word of Crossfit.  I no longer believe in excuses...take last week for example.  I worked 60+ hours because of a conference we were hosting.  Kelly P and I stuck to the diet by carting a cooler of paleo friendly food - hard boiled eggs, rotisserie chicken, paleo meatballs, etc..with us everywhere we went.  There was one point where we were sitting on the floor behind a curtain at the River Center shoving in some chicken...all I could think about was how times have changed!!  I exercised every chance I had and got right back into my Crossfit routine as soon as possible.  I had a root canal on Monday and actually had to change the time a bit so I had time to head to the gym before the dentist!  I DID NOT want to miss the WOD! 

And, after spending all evening completing a frantic search of my house for my beloved jump rope, I almost cried with relief when my Mum called to tell me she found it at her house.  So, I am getting ready to drive over in my pajamas so I will have it for tomorrow's WOD....

Man...my life has changed. 

The thing is, we all have our excuses.  I have 2 young children...my husband had to work late....I am PTO president.....I work 40+ hours....I travel. a lot.  But I am also 70 pounds lighter than I was 6 months ago and have never felt better!

And in just a little over 2 weeks, I will be wearing my goal dress...dancing under the stars at my brother's wedding.  I can barely wait.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Days 174 - 177 aka...did that really happen or was it a dream?

Geaux Crossfit Family
Yesterday was the big day - Fight Gone Bad!  It was AMAZING!  I just feel like it was one of those experiences that could be life changing or, at the very least, it was a day I will never forget.  And I am not just talking about my 17 minutes....there is just something about supporting other people that are going through it...yelling for others..trying to motivate them.  I am so thankful to be a part of the Geaux Crossfit family....this day was really what it was all about.  I really never even thought about the possibility of a gym being a community...one that supports each other and cares for each other.  We get that at home and at work and with our neighbors.  But with a gym?  I really feel badly for people that are too scared to walk through the door.  A little less than 6 months ago that was me.  I remember calling my husband from the parking lot of Geaux Crossfit..I was crying...having a panic attack..and was so scared.  But luckily I knew Catherine was in there waiting for me - my dear friend and former trainer.  Without her I would not have walked through the door.

Getting Through It!
Back to Fight Gone Bad.  I was super nervous on the drive there and then when I first arrived.  But, for some reason, when the day began I started to feel pretty calm about the workout itself.  The first heat started at 9am and by the time it was my turn at 11:30, I was ready.  It was really brutal - so much harder than when we do it at the gym.  It was so hot - the air felt like a sauna.  There was actually a point during Round 2 that I didn't think I was going to be able finish..but I did and got a score of 198.  I have no idea if that is good and I really do not care.  It just set an easy goal for next year - get in the 200s....

Amber Looking Soooo Strong!
During Round 3...I was feeling the pain.  Exhaustion was setting in and I had enough.  But seriously, I had one of those moments in life...I don't even know how to put it in words.  I wish I could have taken a photo.  I could literally feel the love around me.  I was doing box jumps and was suddenly overcome with thankfulness and happiness for the fact that I was literally surrounded by people that have carried me to that moment.  My parents, husband and children were all there screaming for me.  My dear friend Kelly P. was there with her parents and son, my friend Heather who is a former colleague...I didn't even know she knew about the event, and my Geaux Crossfit family.  Tom, who is part of the 6am crew came to cheer me on even though he wasn't competing, the owner Johnny, Catherine, and the rest of the Geaux Crossfit family - some I consider friends and others I met for the first time that day.  And my beloved trainer Amber.  She is the one that pushes me to do my best everyday.  She has confidence in me even when I don't.  She is really the one that got me to a point where I felt like I could even attempt something like Fight Gone Bad.  I knew I couldn't let her down...so I pushed through it and finished!!

Truthfully, I am still riding high because of yesterday.  For the first time in my life, I felt like an athlete.  I really never thought I would...and I am going to allow myself this quiet, internal celebration for a few more hours... then, when my alarm rings tomorrow morning, it is back to reality and, more importantly, back to Crossfit!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Sleep Gone Bad" aka Days 168 - 173

Yup!  That's me doing PULL UPS!! 
Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these things....on Saturday, I will be competing with 100s of other Louisiana Crossfitters in a workout fundraiser called Fight Gone Bad.  I am concerned. worried. nervous. scared. TERRIFIED!!!! I  cannot sleep at night because I am so scared. It would be one thing if I had done any kind of sport before but I really haven't.  I have never had an audience when doing something physical.  And yes, I am proud of myself for my success.  But, to a stranger watching, I am still the biggest girl at the gym.....and from 11:30am - 11:47am on Saturday, everyone will be watching me struggle through a grueling workout.  I know I have to face my fears though....the money goes to the families of fallen soldiers.  As tough as Saturday will be for me, it will never compare to what these wives, moms, children, brothers, sisters, dads, cousins....are going through.  I will be there on Saturday without a moment's hesitation.

Sooo...gluten free shopping has gotten alot easier at my neighborhood grocery store - Albertsons!  I know that gluten free does not mean paleo, but it sure is a step in the right direction.  Just about everything is labeled - gluten really does seem to be in everything!

see ya later fat clothes!
Over the last couple of weeks, Jason and I have been really cleaning out our closets - trying to get rid of the junk we haven't used in years.....stuff we don't need.  Well, I finally did what I have been wanting to do for a couple weeks.  I got rid of all of my clothes that are now too big for me - 5 trash bags of clothes were donated to the Salvation Army!!!  I thought about burning some of it in our outdoor fireplace...but figured it would be better off if other people had an opportunity to wear them.  Getting rid of these clothes has helped me feel really committed.  There is no going back. I WILL NOT go back.

Thank you Albertsons!!
Workouts have been good - I feel like I am really being pushed to my limits.  I have upped my running and am now going a total of 1.375 miles (as of today!) on Monday/Weds/Friday and doing a mile on Tues/Thurs/ and sometimes Saturday.  I did my first set of pull ups that were all arm strength - no jumping from the ground.  It was one of those want to cry I am so excited but I can't because everyone will think I am a dork kind of moments.

So..in 7 days I will have been doing the paleo/crossfit lifestyle for 1/2 of a year!  AMAZING!  That means that on September 20th, the 6 month countdown to my 1 year goal begins!!!


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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Days 163 - 167 aka HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM

Houston Weekend.ugh
I have pretty much been on the road since Friday.  My mum, Abby and I decided to head to Houston for a girls weekend - we spent our time at Ikea, the Galleria Mall and eating....yup.  It was my best worst few days of eating in over 162 days.  I stayed away from the dreaded gluten, but managed to eat mashed potatoes, ice cream, gluten free crackers with a variety of cheeses and chocolate.  The damage has been done- I gained three pounds.  That brings my weight loss from 67 to 64 pounds.  In some ways I feel awful about it but in other ways I feel like that is life.  I splurged and, when the weekend was over, I got back to healthy eating and exercise.  Yes, I know I could have made better choices......but I didn't.
post crossfit workout

When my alarm went off on Tuesday, I did not want to exercise.  I think I was still detoxing from eating bad on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  And I was tired because Lucas got up at 3:00am on Sunday night and was ready to party....I was really exhausted.  But I forced myself to go - so I ran 1.25 miles and then did a killer workout at Geaux Crossfit (jack). 

When I was done, I had just enough time to get home, shower, put my luggage in my car and head to the airport.  I am in Little Rock for the week attending a conference.  After my horrible eating during the weekend, I knew I had to come prepared.  I called the hotel and, unfortunately, they do not have fridges in the room.  Sooo....I packed up my perishable paleo treats (aka sliced boiled eggs and shredded chicken) and loaded them in a cooler with plenty of ice packs...my cooler went into my checked the luggage and made it to Little Rock still ice cold!  Since there is no fridge, I have been getting ice to put in the cooler every morning and evening.

No lasagna for me, thank you.

Paleo on Ice

The folks that planned this conference have been super accommodating by providing me with gluten free dinners and lunches.  While the opening reception meal was not paleo (aka rice was served), I know my colleagues were jealous because while they were shoveling in cheesy lasagna and garlic bread and brownies, I ate a delicious and healthy meal that included fresh veggies and chicken.

This morning my alarm went off at 5:30am even though my conference didn't start until 8:00am....I am not going to lie, it was hard for me to get out bed to workout.  Then I thought of my fabulous trainer Amber...she works so hard to help everyone live a healthy life and is great at pushing all of us to reach our goals.  I couldn't let her down.  My plan was to go to a beautiful running path along the river by my hotel but it was pitch black out.  So instead I went to the gym at the hotel.  This was just another reminder that I am so incredibly lucky to have found Crossfit.  A "normal" gym is just so boring...I cannot stand it.  I forced myself to run on the treadmill for 1/2 mile and then I climbed 10 flights on the stairmaster.  I did the circuit of weight training and came back to my room and did 50 sit ups.  I am so sad that I forgot my beloved jump rope at home....but am trying to make the best of it.

Tonight I went out to dinner with some of my fabulous colleagues from across the country.  How lucky (and rare) it is to be surrounded by such intelligent women who share the same passions.  Ordering made me a little stressed - I wanted pasta, or nachos, or fries....luckily the restaurant I went to had a great paleo option - a 90% lean beef hamburger patty covered with amazing sauteed vegetables.  I reluctantly ordered this, thinking I would be disappointed.  It was DELICIOUS!  I cannot wait to get home and try to replicated it in my kitchen!  On the way back to the hotel, I almost had a moment of weakness that included ice cream, but managed to pull myself together just in time.

Soooo...tomorrow's a new day.  I am about 14 days away from the 6 month mark of this journey!