Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DAY 80!!! (and paleo challenge days 6, 7, 8)

I can't believe it!  Today is day 80 of my time with Geaux Crossfit and Paleo and I am so excited! 

I almost didn't get out bed for the WOD today because I had the day off but I forced myself to:

Here is what I did:

Warm up
400m run
Workout of the Day
Bench Press 5-5-5
Working on my Squat Cleans
(I did 35 pound barbell w/ a 10 and 5 on each side)
3 Rounds for Time:
-10 Squat Cleans (95/65) (I did 35 pound barbell with 10s on each side..focused on the clean and not the squat)
-25m Over Head Weighted Walking Lunges (35/25) (I didn’t do weighted)
-10 box Jumps (I did stepping..small jump with red weight on it)
Time: 14:51
then 500m row in 2:16 (I was sooo tired)

I woke up thinking about that baseline workout - the one you do when you first join Geaux Crossfit.  It is:

For time:
500m row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups

Afterwards, I couldn't walk for four days...seriously.  The day after that I was a chaperone for Abby's field trip and my body ached so bad that I didn't think I was going to be able to get off the bus....I could barely stumble may way through it..I was in so much pain.  But now, I look at that workout and get excited...It sounds like sick is that!!

I think Day 80 is a good day for a reflection.  The fabulous trainer Amber who has continuously pushed me to get stronger and healthier during these 80 days sent me some pics from the last two workouts.  When I first looked at them, I had the moment where I was like yuck...I look like that?  I feel so strong but the pictures don't really show that.  Then I came to my senses and decided to look at a photo from the weekend before this all began...and now, more than ever, I am proud of how strong I feel and how much lighter I am (over 30 pounds)!  The pictures prove it!

Left - Weekend Before Joining Crossfit; Right This Week


  1. way to go!! looking good, keep at it!

  2. Isn't it great when you start to realize you're actually excited to train? Awesome job Bethany!

  3. I am sooooo impressed with your stick-to-it-iveness, Bethany! You are proving everyday that once you find what works, there's no stopping you...yeaaaay!
